UW Young Greens

The UW Young Greens is a University of Waterloo club for those interested in learning more about the Green Party of Canada, whether or not they are an active supporter. We hope to share the Green Party’s values with others, and discuss how they fit in with today's society. There will be events and discussions in tune with these values, promoting political conversation on campus and with the community.

The key values that the club will maintain are:

• Sustainability
• Social Justice
• Grassroots Democracy
• Nonviolence
• Decentralization
• Community-Based Economics
• Gender Equality/Feminism
• Diversity
• Personal and Global Responsibility
• Ecological Wisdom

(from the Green Party of Ontario)

We will be involved in local Green Party events and run workshops, skills training, social functions (think: Green Drinks!), and encourage discussion on political involvement for the benefit of the environment (And more!). If anyone has any fun ideas, please share!

Anyone is welcome to join, but there will be some student focus and only current UW students can vote!

Email: UWYoungGreens@gmail.com

  • https://www.facebook.com/groups/1437379699808599/about/
  • uwyounggreens@gmail.com
  • http://www.greenparty.ca/