Sikh Students Association (SSA)
Last active term
The University of Waterloo Sikh Students Association (SSA) attempts to provide an environment on campus, and beyond, that helps to promote the Sikh religion by practicing its beliefs and traditions. The above is achieved through various discussion groups, weekly path sessions, kirtans, guest speakers, Q/A periods and a variety of religious/language classes provided by fellow students. As well, UW SSA attempts to participate in a wide range of multi-cultural activities both on campus, and within the Sikh community (such as trips to the Gurdwara, Vaisakhi, etc).
In addition, our club organizes a number of intramural co-ed sports teams (Basketball and Volleyball, usually) and social functions (pool tournaments, bowling, etc.) and outings (dinners, horseback riding, skiing trips) that form the bulk of our time commitments.
We hope to create a 'family' atmosphere by developing an hierarchy-less club that is devoted to providing an avenue for interaction amongst Sikh students at our University. UW SSA also provides educational help (study groups, old texts, exams, etc.) and holds one of the most successful on-campus events, 'Dastaar day', previously known as 'Turban Day' once a semester. This is an awareness day to teach the University community about the significance of the turban in Sikhism. We desire to produce conditions conducive to the further study, research and practice of Sikhism by our fellow Sikh students and all others interested in any aspect of the Sikh religion.
The University of Waterloo Sikh Students Association (SSA) attempts to provide an environment on campus, and beyond, that helps to promote the Sikh religion by practicing its beliefs and traditions. The above is achieved through various discussion groups, weekly path sessions, kirtans, guest speakers, Q/A periods and a variety of religious/language classes provided by fellow students. As well, UW SSA attempts to participate in a wide range of multi-cultural activities both on campus, and with...