Last active term


HOSA UW is not currently active for the term Spring 2024.

Who we are

• HOSA is an opportunity for undergraduate students to explore different health professions along with gaining personal experience and knowledge to be used in future health settings or even in day-to-day activities such as networking, and leadership.
• HOSA U is an organization of which branches out to several different universities (Western U, McMaster U, UofT, U of Guelph etc.) and the different branches meet annually at the SLC- Student Leadership Conference (March) to compete in a wide range of health science related topics such as EMT, Dental Science, pathophysiology, medical math, pharmacology, HOSA Bowl, Vet science, sports med, biomed lab science, medical terminology, and medical law & ethics. Members can choose which sub topic they’d like to be in and train for that specific event. The university that wins would then compete internationally against other schools in the USA and be eligible for various prizes such as scholarships, or internships.

• HOSA is an opportunity for undergraduate students to explore different health professions along with gaining personal experience and knowledge to be used in future health settings or even in day-to-day activities such as networking, and leadership.
• HOSA U is an organization of which branches out to several different universities (Western U, McMaster U, UofT, U of Guelph etc.) and the different branches meet annually at the SLC- Student Leadership Conference (March) to compete in a wide r...

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