Somali Student Association

Last active term

Somali Student Association is not currently active for the term Spring 2024.

Spring 2024 Status

A term acknowledgement form has been received for term Spring 2024.

  • Approved President h46moham verified
  • Not yet verified Secretary m4musa not verified
  • Not yet verified Finance Officer s3abdi not verified
Who we are

The purpose of this club is to gather University of Waterloo Somali and non-Somali students in order to connect, share information and socialize in a relaxed and inclusive atmosphere. The club will educate both members and non-members about Somali culture, raise funds for various causes regarding the community on a local and global scale. The club is open to undergraduates and graduates that are either Somali or non-Somali from the University of Waterloo.

The purpose of this club is to gather University of Waterloo Somali and non-Somali students in order to connect, share information and socialize in a relaxed and inclusive atmosphere. The club will educate both members and non-members about Somali culture, raise funds for various causes regarding the community on a local and global scale. The club is open to undergraduates and graduates that are either Somali or non-Somali from the University of Waterloo.