Culture and Language Exchange Club, UW (UWCLEC)
Last active term
Club Name
The name of the club will be Culture and Language Exchange Club, UW (UWCLEC). We are not agent or representative of the Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA), and our views and actions in no way represent the WUSA.
The club will uphold the values, mission, and mandate of both the University of Waterloo (UW) and WUSA through following the directives outlined in the WUSA Clubs Manual, all WUSA By-Laws, Policies, and Procedures, as well as all policies and procedures outlined by the UW Secretariat. Furthermore, the club will abide by all laws of the Region of Waterloo, Province of Ontario, and Government of Canada. All club matters will ultimately be governed by the WUSA Clubs Manager.
The purpose of the club is to gather University of Waterloo students, staff, faculty and members of the UW community at large to
promote the exchange of language and culture between students on campus by creating spaces for thoughtful engagement, practical application, and mutual learning opportunities. By engaging with one another in various contexts, students will be able to develop a well-rounded worldview as future global citizens.
We hope to be a place where you can practice a language you’ve been learning, ask questions to native speakers, make new friends, and engage with the many different cultures and languages on campus. If we have enough tutors, we plan to continue hosting weekly language sessions (typically in-person). Club-wide events are TBD based on interest.
Club events, activities, and/or initatives will include
Two main activities: (1) weekly language sessions, where students can meet to learn, discuss, and apply their language competencies and cultural understandings; and (2) monthly club-wide events that provide more opportunities to engage with the whole club, across different languages of interest. The format and structure of these main kinds of events are flexible and vary across terms.
Membership Structure
The club will be fully inclusive and welcoming to both its current and potential membership. New membership is welcome and accepted at any time during a club’s active term. Eligible club members may be current: WUSA Members, as outlined by the WUSA By-Laws; UW graduate students; UW staff or faculty; and/or members of the UW community at large, as defined in the Clubs Manual.
Only current UW students (graduate or undergraduate) may hold voting membership within the club. UW Staff, faculty, and members of the UW community at large may hold non-voting membership within the club. (If Applicable) UW undergrad students who are eligible to obtain voting membership in the club who do not wish to pay the club membership fee at the time of joining may hold non-voting membership within the club. Voting membership can be obtained for said members by paying the membership fee.
At least two thirds of the club's membership must be current UW students (graduate or undergraduate).
Membership Fee
Executive Officers
The majority of executives will be current UW students (graduate or undergraduate). The club president will be a current UW undergraduate student. All club executives will be elected, not hired or appointed. The term of office for all executive positions is one academic term, as outlined by the UW Registrar’s Office. All club decisions will be determined by executive vote, as no executive officer (not even the President) holds decision making power for the collective.
The President ensures that:
- The club operates according to the guidelines of its constitution and some agreed upon guidelines for running a meeting, such as Robert's Rules of Order;
- The club works towards its objectives as agreed upon by the membership; and
- Their successor is trained.
- The direction and operation of the club is according to the guidelines of the constitution;
- Responsibilities and tasks are properly assigned to club executives;
- Fellow executives are supported in their work when needed;
- The agenda for executive meetings is determined and led by them;
The President is a signing authority.
The Secretary ensures that:
- Records of what the group has done are maintained, distributed, and are accessibile to all the members;
- Meeting minutes/notes are recorded and made available to all voting members;
- All club correspondence is monitored and brought to the attention of the appropriate person(s);
- Their successor is trained.
- Booking of rooms and resources for the Head Tutor and Events Director are supported;
The Secretary is a signing authority.
The Treasurer ensures that:
- The club's WUSA bank account and all financial transactions for the club are monitored and verified;
- All club revenues are collected, deposited into the club's WUSA bank account, and reconciled correctly and within a timely manner;
- Club cheque requests are submitted correctly and in a timely manner; and
- Their successor is trained.
- The possessions of the club are managed and items needed are acquired, purchased or borrowed however necessary;
The Treasurer is a signing authority.
The Head Tutor ensures that:
- Recruited Tutors are trained and well-equipped for their language sessions;
- Tutors are supported throughout the term with resources and guidance as needed;
- Open communication is maintained with Tutors to verify sessions are running smoothly;
- Rooms are booked based on weekly session times discussed with Tutors; and
- The next Head Tutor is trained
- Ensures that the next Head Tutor is trained.
The Events Director ensures that:
- They lead the brainstorming, planning, and execution of club-wide events;
- Executives and club members discuss to see what kind of events they would like to have;
- Rooms and resources are booked for club-wide events; and
- The next Events Director is trained.
- Ensures that the next Events Director is trained.
The Marketing Communicator ensures that:
- The club’s social media presence is maintained
- They engage with students, other clubs and relevant organizations that may contact the club through our social media platforms;
- Both marketing executives cooperate to handle the tone of announcements; and
- The next Marketing Communicator is trained.
- Ensures that the next Marketing Communicator is trained.
The Marketing Content Creator ensures that:
- Graphics to post on our social media platforms to advertise the club’s events are designed
- Presenting or showcasing content for the events of the club is prepared,
- Both marketing executives cooperate to handle the content of announcements; and
- The next Marketing Content Creator is trained.
- Ensures that the next Marketing Content Creator is trained.
It is important to assure that the person with the most information and/or knowledge in the club is not the full-time chairperson. Therefore, the club will occasionally rotate the role of chairperson among voting members.
Executive Support Structure
The Tutor ensures that:
- Learners have a designated person of contact for the language they are interested in;
- The schedule for the language sessions they tutor is updated and announced to learners;
- Their tutoring status and any resource needs are reported to the Head Tutor
- They help in running club-wide and reach-out events alongside executives if interested; and
- The next Tutor is trained for the same language session, if feasible.
- Ensures that the next Tutor is trained.
General Meetings
The club will hold termly general meetings. Quorum for general meetings will be 15 voting members of 20% of voting membership (whichever is more).
Executive Meetings
The club will hold bi-weekly executive meetings. Quorum for executive meetings will be 2 executives or at least 51% of the executive body (whichever is more).
The first meetings (both general and executive) of the following term will be arranged by the outgoing executive. At said meetings, subsequent meeting dates and locations will be set. Meeting dates and times will be forwarded to voting members by:
- Discord
Emergency meetings can be called by an executive via:
- Discord
and must be sent to the appropriate members at least 48 hours prior to the meeting time.
Elections shall take place at the end of each term for the following academic term. Only University of Waterloo students who are members of the club can vote. Club members must be notified, by email, two weeks in advance of the meeting where executive elections will take place. The term of office shall be for one term. An executive can only hold office (any position) for a total of up to three terms.
Nominations for executives can be made from any club member. The majority of executives must be undergraduate University of Waterloo students. The successful candidate will be the one with the most votes. In the case of a tie, a re-vote will take place until the tie is broken.
A movement to impeach an executive officer may be made by any executive officer or by petition of at least five voting members. When the motion is made the Clubs Manager will be informed. An emergency general meeting will be called as soon as is reasonably possible. No club funds will be spent until the issue is resolved.
At the impeachment meeting, the individual(s) who initiated the process will state their case. Afterwards, the officer(s) under impeachment will have an opportunity to defend their position(s) on the matter.
There will then be a question and answer period followed by the selection process for a Chief Returning Officer (CRO) who will oversee the voting process to ensure the decision is fair and democratic. Any executive officer who is neither the initiator nor subject of the impeachment may volunteer as CRO. If there is no such officer, then any voting member of the club present at the meeting may volunteer. If there are multiple volunteers, then the CRO will be selected based on a simple majority vote cast by secret ballot and tallied publically by the chairperson of the meeting. If there is no such volunteer for CRO, then the meeting will be at a standstill until either an eligible executive officer or voting member volunteers.
The vote will be by a “YES/NO” secret ballot, tallied publically by the CRO. If at least two thirds of the votes are for impeachment, then said officer will immediately be stripped of their position. The remaining executive may choose to call an immediate by-election to replace the newly vacant executive officer position.
A claim against any executive officer or club member regarding a potential conflict of interest can be made by any executive officer or by petition of at least five voting members. If such a claim arises, then said individual(s) under suspicion have the opportunity to remove them self (or themselves) from said potential conflict without acknowledging intention of wrongdoing. In the event the claim is contested, then the Clubs Manager will be informed and an emergency executive meeting will be called to determine the validity of the claim. Executive officers who have a claim against them cannot vote to determine the validity of said claim. If executive quorum is not possible due to the removal of said vote(s), then an emergency general meeting will be called and the same proceedings described for impeachment will be used to determine the validity of the claim.
If the claim is validated and there is suspicion of intentional wrongdoing, an immediate impeachment proceeding may be called by any executive officer or by petition of at least five voting members, of whom are not named in the claim. If it is determined that a club member is involved in intentional wrongdoing, the impeachment proceeding will be called to determine said member’s club status.
Constitutional amendments may be proposed by any executive officer or by petition of at least five voting members. The amendment will then be voted on by referendum. The voting procedure will be the same as for the impeachment process. If the vote passes, the amendment and the vote will be forwarded to the Clubs Manager for final approval. If the Clubs Manager approves, then the constitution will be amended and any changes will be inserted into the constitution.
A motion to officially close the club will follow the same procedure as a constitutional amendment. If such a motion passes, then the club will be purged from the clubs system.
No organization(s) is/are currently affiliated with this club.