African Student Association (ASA)

Last active term

Who we are

We are a group of students of African origin who hope to promote African culture and interaction. Membership is open to all students who wish to interact with African students and learn and experience our rich and diverse cultures. We also provide an environment for students to socialize and air their views on Africa. Africa is a very diverse continent with some countries consisting of more than 50 tribes! We have representatives from all regions of Africa giving us a broad background within the club. We organize a number of events where people can experience the warmth of the African sun and learn more about our continent. Please check our social media accounts for upcoming events or send us an email with any comments or questions at

We are a group of students of African origin who hope to promote African culture and interaction. Membership is open to all students who wish to interact with African students and learn and experience our rich and diverse cultures. We also provide an environment for students to socialize and air their views on Africa. Africa is a very diverse continent with some countries consisting of more than 50 tribes! We have representatives from all regions of Africa giving us a broad background within ...

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