Finance Association (WIREX/Capital Markets), UW
Last active term
Finance Association (WIREX/Capital Markets), UW is not currently active for the term Fall 2024.
UW Finance Association (UWFA) was formed in May 2011 as the continuation of two established finance clubs, WIREX and UW Capital Markets Group. UWFA aims to introduce new students to finance through the use of tutorials, guest speakers, information sessions and forums. UWFA supports the career development of all students through various workshops, events, and provides networking opportunities between members and industry professionals.
UW Finance Association (UWFA) was formed in May 2011 as the continuation of two established finance clubs, WIREX and UW Capital Markets Group. UWFA aims to introduce new students to finance through the use of tutorials, guest speakers, information sessions and forums. UWFA supports the career development of all students through various workshops, events, and provides networking opportunities between members and industry professionals.