Active Clubs

AfroXDance Club

Last Active Term
Who we are

The Afro-Fusion dance club is aimed at bridging the gap between cultural and traditional African dance styles and other genres of dance; hip-hop, contemporary, jazz, salsa, etc. The club will serve as a creative space for dancers from all backgrounds who wish to learn more about African dance styles and connect with their African dance roots. Each class promises to be filled with fun and learning in addition to being a great total body workout!

Beginner Baking Club

Last Active Term
Who we are

The Beginner Baking Club fosters an environment for novice and intermediate bakers alike to expand their arsenal of baking skills, while respecting their budget. We will host polls amongst our members and gather ingredients and such to bake the most popular option. Furthermore, we hope to broadcast our live baking to members so that they can follow along step-by-step and marvel at the final product wherever they are, whether on a study term or away from Waterloo on co-op. With any excess...

Campus Crusade for Cheese

Last Active Term
Who we are

Weekly meetings: Tuesdays, 6:00 - 6:45 pm. Location TBD!

The purpose of the CCCh is to offer an outlet for students, faculty, staff, and Alumni who enjoy cheese or wish to enjoy cheese. We have activities such as eating cheese, talking about cheese, rating cheese, cheese related news, current cheese events, and more. Cheese plates may include other things aside from cheese such as crackers and meats.

Follow us on Instagram @uwcheeseclub or email us at

Chess Club, UW

Last Active Term
Who we are

Welcome to another great term at UW Chess Club. We wish to provide an environment where people throughout the Kitchener-Waterloo Region can enjoy the game and share their love for chess through discussions and strong tournaments for all levels. We provide a mentorship program for beginners who are intent on getting better as well as casual play with your friends and teachers.

We are pleased to inform that we have established Kitchener-Waterloo Chess Club as our co-sponsor.

Club That Really Likes Anime (CTRL-A)

Last Active Term
Who we are

Celebrating 20 years, CTRL-A is an organization that promotes interest in animation, pre-dominantly of Japanese origin. A social club first and foremost, our membership is open to anyone with an interest in anime, gaming, and any other related topics. We hold on-campus events, with general meetings traditionally held once a week, anime screenings several times a term, in addition to other special events, such as karaoke and a cosplay cafe.

Cooking Club, UW

Last Active Term
Who we are

The Cooking Club serves up cooking classes, workshops, bake sales, potlucks, and other food-related adventures. We cover the full spectrum of foods from fancy pasta classes to quick and dirty tips to help you manage the necessary evil known as ‘cooking during midterms’. When we’re not in the kitchen or hosting our famous classes, we occasionally venture out to the real world to visit coffee roasters, picnic areas, strawberry fields, or bonfire pits. If we’re not doing any of the above, our...

Deception Board Games Club

Last Active Term
Who we are

We love playing deception games such as Avalon, Coup and Battlestar Galactica! Join our Facebook group to vote on when we meet up to play or send us an email with any questions.

Euchre Club, UW

Last Active Term
Who we are

The purpose of our club is to give experienced Euchre players an organized, competitive level of euchre play, while providing new players with a fun environment in which to learn the game of Euchre.

We have weekly meetings where you can meet new people, socialize, and enjoy the great game of Euchre.

There is a $5 membership fee for joining the UW Euchre Club for a term. This fee covers weekly snacks/drinks and tournament prizes.

Fighting Game Club (UWFGC)

Last Active Term
Who we are

The University of Waterloo Fighting Game Club caters to Fighting Game players of all kinds! We are a casual to a semi-competitive club that plays a wide variety of Fighting Games including Street Fighter, Tekken, Guilty Gear, Blazblue, UNICLR, and much more!

Join our Discord for all the latest information.

Films, UW (Former Films Creator Club)

Last Active Term
Who we are

The film making center at the University of Waterloo.

Displaying clubs 1 - 10 of 57 in total