Active Clubs

Ascend Canada Waterloo Chapter

Last Active Term
Who we are

Ascend was started to address the shortage of Asian leaders in Corporate America and broadened its horizons to Canada in 2012, with a mission to be the premier professional organization dedicated to enabling its members, business partners and the community to leverage the leadership and global business potential of Pan-Asians.

With the support of 18 corporate sponsors such as TD, Deloitte, Manulife, Ascend looks to develop pan-Asian leadership potential across North America starting with...

Aviation Society

Last Active Term
Who we are

The University of Waterloo Aviation Society aims to represent and provide opportunities for University of Waterloo Aviation Students, as well as foster a community for those interested in Aviation.

Beginner Baking Club

Last Active Term
Who we are

The Beginner Baking Club fosters an environment for novice and intermediate bakers alike to expand their arsenal of baking skills, while respecting their budget. We will host polls amongst our members and gather ingredients and such to bake the most popular option. Furthermore, we hope to broadcast our live baking to members so that they can follow along step-by-step and marvel at the final product wherever they are, whether on a study term or away from Waterloo on co-op. With any excess...

Creators Collective

Last Active Term
Who we are

The Creators Collective is a club that supports students' creativity at the University of Waterloo! We hold an annual gallery and have a printed magazine showcasing all forms of student art as well as a market that provides a single source to find products and services provided by our own students. Creators Collective hosts events throughout the year that target to establish and create a sense of community between creators.

Finance Association (WIREX/Capital Markets), UW

Last Active Term
Who we are

UW Finance Association (UWFA) was formed in May 2011 as the continuation of two established finance clubs, WIREX and UW Capital Markets Group. UWFA aims to introduce new students to finance through the use of tutorials, guest speakers, information sessions and forums. UWFA supports the career development of all students through various workshops, events, and provides networking opportunities between members and industry professionals.

Global Brigades - Business Brigades

Last Active Term
Who we are

Global Business Brigades UW, part of the Global Brigades family, is an international movement of university students and professionals building economic opportunities in the developing world.
We work alongside promising entrepreneurs and experienced year-round staff to create financial opportunities in remote, rural, and under resourced areas of Panama, Honduras and Ghana.
GBBUW is the first organization at the University of Waterloo to offer students the opportunity to volunteer abroad to...

Her Campus Waterloo

Last Active Term
Who we are

Her Campus Waterloo is a chapter of Her Campus which "is the #1 media site for college women, written entirely by the world’s top college journalists.". We are an online magazine targeted towards female collegiates written by college journalists focused on a variety of topics ranging from entertainment, culture, food, sex and relationships, fashion, etc.!

About Her Campus:

Last Active Term
Who we are

We are a non-profit organization that aims to build a female supporting female community founded in 2021. We realize the importance of peer support and community bond for each individual’s road to success. That’s why we are founded here to support our future aspiring leaders. Our mission is to empower young women to grow the ambition, bravery, confidence, and self-leadership to pursue their passion.

Law & Business Nexus (LBN)

Last Active Term
Who we are

Welcome to University of Waterloo’s first networking club in the Law and Business fields. We here at Law and Business Nexus provide students with opportunities to network with working professionals in these industries to showcase examples of possible careers available. We host events for students to meet with guest speakers and ask questions regarding their day-to-day activities, occupation and industry. Law and Business Nexus is the perfect club for students to discover, grow and foster...

Marketing Association, UW

Last Active Term
Who we are

UWMA is Short for University of Waterloo Marketing Association. UWMA fosters student interest in marketing and self-branding alongside providing services to local ventures and individuals. With the help of our leaders, sponsors, and general members we are driving towards being a professional marketing group within the next few years.

Displaying clubs 1 - 10 of 25 in total