Active Clubs
Creative Writing Club
Last Active TermThe Creative Writing Club aims to provide a space for members of the University of Waterloo community to practice and share different forms of creative writing. Throughout the term, we will host writing and peer editing sessions, as well as reading nights where members can share works they are proud of. At the end of each term, we will host an awards night where members of the club can celebrate some of the best works written that term.
Creators Collective
Last Active TermThe Creators Collective is a club that supports students' creativity at the University of Waterloo! We hold an annual gallery and have a printed magazine showcasing all forms of student art as well as a market that provides a single source to find products and services provided by our own students. Creators Collective hosts events throughout the year that target to establish and create a sense of community between creators.
Films, UW (Former Films Creator Club)
Last Active TermGame Development Club
Last Active TermThe University of Waterloo Game Development Club (UWGDC) is a club where students can create, test, and discuss games. We explore many types of games, from tabletop to digital.
During weekly meetings, we host talks discussing game design topics ranging from Level Design to Accessibility. Additionally, we give tutorials for game development tools including Unity, Unreal 4 Engine, and Blender.
Want to make a game? We have a friendly and welcoming space at the Games Institute to work on...
Her Campus Waterloo
Last Active TermHer Campus Waterloo is a chapter of Her Campus which "is the #1 media site for college women, written entirely by the world’s top college journalists.". We are an online magazine targeted towards female collegiates written by college journalists focused on a variety of topics ranging from entertainment, culture, food, sex and relationships, fashion, etc.!
About Her Campus:
Last Active TermWe are a non-profit organization that aims to build a female supporting female community founded in 2021. We realize the importance of peer support and community bond for each individual’s road to success. That’s why we are founded here to support our future aspiring leaders. Our mission is to empower young women to grow the ambition, bravery, confidence, and self-leadership to pursue their passion.
Photography Club, UW
Last Active TermUniversity of Waterloo Photography Club (UWPC), is a community of photographers who learn from and inspire each other.
Our activities include workshops about fundamental and advanced photography techniques. We also arrange events including photo walks, exciting trips to neighboring cities and towns, and many more activities throughout each term.
If you are interested in photography and wondering how to start, you are more than welcome to join our community, we have experienced...
Tech+ UW
Last Active TermTech+ UW's mission is to cultivate a more inclusive and diverse tech community at UWaterloo by making resources more accessible to the community and students in need. We connect UWaterloo students with experienced and passionate individuals from different domains in tech, and foster this community through events that bring everyone together.
UW Blockchain Club
Last Active TermThe UW Blockchain club is a network of students interested in Blockchain technology.
After Bitcoin was released, people soon realized the immutable structure of Blockchains can be extended to be much more than just a store of value. At UW Blockchain Club, we discuss that underlying technology and it's implications.
UW Book Club
Last Active TermA social club for people to gather and discuss various literary works of the written format, both fiction and non-fiction. And can include a variety of topics that include (but is not limited to): Science, science fiction, fantasy, suspense/thriller, romance, self-help, business/technology, etc