Active Clubs

ASL Club

Last Active Term
Who we are

The aim of our club is to foster a space for people to understand and learn ASL (American Sign Language). We welcome members from all backgrounds to join in the shared experience of learning ASL, with a focus to expand your skills and promote understanding, respect, and equal opportunities for all.

Big Spoon Lil Spoon

Last Active Term
Who we are

Big Spoon Lil Spoon (BSLS) was founded at Queen’s University and aims to provide mentorship to children with exceptionalities. BSLS pairs up children with student mentors throughout the year. The unique program features cooking classes, life-skill workshops and employment programs for children with special needs. BSLS members will be able to form their own subcommittees to carry out personalized projects that aim to support children with exceptionalities.

Black Medical Leaders of Tomorrow

Last Active Term
Who we are

The University of Waterloo Black Medical Leaders of Tomorrow (UW BMLT) aims to encourage and assist BIPOC students, and those at a socio-economic disadvantage in their pursuit of medical school or healthcare professions. We want to increase the representation of racialized populations in the healthcare field and we strive to support UW students through our events and resources.

Debate Society, UW (Debating Association)

Last Active Term
Who we are

Our purpose is to hone our skills for competitive debate, within the CUSID (Canadian University Society for Intercollegiate Debate) and beyond. We do this through lessons on improving debate and public speaking, attending/hosting intercollegiate debate tournaments, socials and other events.

HanVoice Waterloo

Last Active Term
Who we are

HanVoice Canada is the largest Canadian non-profit organization focused on advancing the North Korean human rights cause by working with leading politicians and policy experts to promote the human rights agenda into legislation and political action.
At HanVoice Waterloo, we seek to give a voice to the voiceless with on-the-ground advocacy efforts on behalf of the North Korean people, who remain voiceless and oppressed in the face of insurmountable odds. Whether inside, outside, or in...

Her Campus Waterloo

Last Active Term
Who we are

Her Campus Waterloo is a chapter of Her Campus which "is the #1 media site for college women, written entirely by the world’s top college journalists.". We are an online magazine targeted towards female collegiates written by college journalists focused on a variety of topics ranging from entertainment, culture, food, sex and relationships, fashion, etc.!

About Her Campus:

Last Active Term
Who we are

We are a non-profit organization that aims to build a female supporting female community founded in 2021. We realize the importance of peer support and community bond for each individual’s road to success. That’s why we are founded here to support our future aspiring leaders. Our mission is to empower young women to grow the ambition, bravery, confidence, and self-leadership to pursue their passion.

Mock Trial Club

Last Active Term
Who we are

Want to be part of a real-life Suits cast? Join our club today! We host and participate in mock trial court simulations, both recreationally and competitively. Come out and meet others interested in law, no matter your program. No experience is necessary!

North African Student Association

Last Active Term
Who we are

Join Us:
Whether you're from North Africa ( Morocco, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Mauritania ) or have roots in the region, or are simply passionate about exploring diverse cultures, NASA welcomes you. Join our community and be part of a dynamic group that celebrates the beauty of North Africa while fostering unity and understanding.

One Step At A Time

Last Active Term
Who we are

Decades of international and Canadian research demonstrate that youth in low-income communities face specific socioeconomic barriers that impact their academic success, financial stability, and professional achievements in adulthood. Keeping this in mind, our club aims to advocate change by focusing on underprivileged children. The primary goal of our club will be to partner with various community organizations to run a successful tutoring program with the goal in mind that these children can...

Displaying clubs 1 - 10 of 21 in total