Active Clubs
Chinese Christian Fellowship, UW
Last Active TermThe Chinese Christian Fellowship (CCF) is a campus group of culturally diverse Christians who meet together regularly to: be a visible and effective witness for Jesus Christ on this campus, provide an environment of mutual support that will enable students to discover their potential and the true meaning of life within the context of university as well as after graduation, encourage its members to practice genuine Christian love, and help students integrate into local churches.
Chinese Hip-Hop(Rap) Club
Last Active TermChinese Hip-Hop Club provides a platform for students who are interested to communicate and make music together, no matter how skilled are you in that, as long
as you are interested in this, come and join us!
Chinese Students Association (CSA), UW
Last Active TermThe University of Waterloo Chinese Students’ Association (UWCSA) was established in 1974 with a vision of bringing awareness to the Chinese culture and community. After its establishment, UWCSA has expanded to serve hundreds of members.
Being the largest Chinese cultural club at the University of Waterloo, we aim to connect and unite the diverse Chinese students at our institution, and in the process, contribute to multiculturalism throughout our university.
UWCSA is widely renowned...
Mandarin Chinese Christian Fellowship
Last Active TermWe worship God and do bible study in order to learn the word of God through speaker nights, praise and worship nights, movies, and Bible studies.
Feel free to reach out to us on wx (zhouyuzhe0609) or instagram (@uwmccf)!
UW Chinese Instrumental Orchestra
Last Active TermThe UW Chinese Instrumental Orchestra Club welcomes everyone who’s passionate about traditional Chinese music and wish to play classical Chinese instruments as part of the orchestra. The goal of playing and promoting Chinese music is expected to be achieved through bi-weekly rehearsals, bi-weekly sectional tutoring, and performances. Players at all levels are welcomed to join! Contact us through our email:
University of Waterloo Cantonese Chinese Christian Fellowship
Last Active TermUW Cantonese Chinese Christian Fellowship (UWcCCF) is a Christian group on campus with a focus in Cantonese and English speaking students. We aim to build a community of Christian believers on campus, equip members with biblical knowledge, and evangelize others at the University of Waterloo. UWcCCF consists of mostly Christians rooted in Cantonese culture or from a Hong Kong background, however, anyone is welcome to learn more about God, connect with brothers and sisters, and share their love...