Active Clubs
University of Waterloo Malayalee Association
Last Active TermThe University of Waterloo Malayalee Association (UWMA) is a social and cultural club that aims to promote Malayalee cultures and traditions within the UW student body. This club will not only serve as a means to connect and create a sense of community for Malayalee students at UW, but also creates opportunity for non-Malayalee students to learn more and participate in Malayalee cultures and traditions. Through the organization of social events and cultural workshops, UWMA strives to create a...
University of Waterloo Soka Gakkai International (UWSGI)
Last Active TermThe purpose of the club is to gather University of Waterloo students, staff, faculty, and members of the UWaterloo community at large to better understand Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism with the keen understanding that we live in a diverse environment. The Soka Gakkai is a diverse global community of individuals in 192 countries and territories who practice Nichiren Buddhism. It cherishes the value of peace, culture and education centered on the respect for the dignity of life. We meet weekly...
Youth Alive Fellowship
Last Active TermYouth Alive Fellowship is a club primarily designed to serve Christians on campus and to create a safe space for service to God. The purpose of the club is to make the Youth effective witnesses for Christ.