Active Clubs

Korean Christian Fellowship

Last Active Term
Who we are

We are a community of students passionate about knowing God and participating in his work on campus and in the world. Together we pursue transformation through Scripture to lead and equip others to join in Jesus' extraordinary revolution.

Whether you are a Christian, curious, or simply exploring who Jesus is, we would love to help you get plugged into our community! We have small groups, prayer times, and bible studies happening throughout the week and regular large groups on Fridays...

Mandarin Chinese Christian Fellowship

Last Active Term
Who we are

We worship God and do bible study in order to learn the word of God through speaker nights, praise and worship nights, movies, and Bible studies.

Feel free to reach out to us on wx (zhouyuzhe0609) or instagram (@uwmccf)!

Muslim Students' Association (MSA)

Last Active Term
Who we are

The Muslim Students' Association (MSA) at the University of Waterloo seeks to create a community that is open and dynamic, which caters to the best interests of all Muslims on campus. Our main goals are to provide an Islamic environment for the Muslims at UW, and to raise awareness of Islam among non-Muslims. We achieve these goals by providing services and support for Muslims on campus, and by organizing lectures, conferences, and Islam Awareness Weeks each term for the general UW population.

Power to Change (Campus Crusade for Christ)

Last Active Term
Who we are

Power to Change is a Christian club who exists to serve the spiritual needs of students on campus. Anyone and everyone is welcome to our club--whether you are a Christian or not. We would love to hear your life story.

The core of our ministry consists of engaging events, discussion groups, prayer meetings, bible studies, weekly meetings, conferences, and spring/summer mission’s trips.

Sikh Students Association (SSA)

Last Active Term
Who we are

The University of Waterloo Sikh Students Association (SSA) attempts to provide an environment on campus, and beyond, that helps to promote the Sikh religion by practicing its beliefs and traditions. The above is achieved through various discussion groups, weekly path sessions, kirtans, guest speakers, Q/A periods and a variety of religious/language classes provided by fellow students. As well, UW SSA attempts to participate in a wide range of multi-cultural activities both on campus, and...

TMA (Thaqalayn Muslim Association)

Last Active Term
Who we are

The Thaqalayn Muslim Association was founded in early 2012. The club was formed by a group Shia Ithna Asheri Muslim students in response to a lack of an official support network for the post-secondary Shia Muslim students in the Kitchener-Waterloo region. Although the headquarters of TMA Waterloo's activities is the University of Waterloo's main campus, the TMA aims to be accessible to all post-secondary students in the region. Thus, the TMA Waterloo’s purpose is to cater primarily, although...

The Bhakti Yoga Club

Last Active Term
Who we are

Our mission is to inspire positivity and resilience to empower a healthy mindset. The Bhakti Yoga Club is for open-minded students, all ages, who like to view issues by examining “the bigger picture”. It is about introducing spirituality to students from all different faiths and ethnic backgrounds. More specifically, tangible solutions based in ancient cultures to material problems. Anyone with an interest or curiosity in spiritual discourse, yoga and meditation, self-help, or simply a desire...

The Islamic Information Center of the University Waterloo (IICUW)

Last Active Term
Who we are

The Islamic Information Center of the University Waterloo (IICUW), is a registered Federation of Students club that promotes the intercultural diversity amongst society in Canada by enhancing interfaith tolerance and relationship through the improved perception of Islam. The IICUW strives to provide the local community with accurate and unbiased information regarding the principles of Islam. In order to achieve this noble aim, the IICUW facilitates the awareness of Islam by providing the...

University of Waterloo Cantonese Chinese Christian Fellowship

Last Active Term
Who we are

UW Cantonese Chinese Christian Fellowship (UWcCCF) is a Christian group on campus with a focus in Cantonese and English speaking students. We aim to build a community of Christian believers on campus, equip members with biblical knowledge, and evangelize others at the University of Waterloo. UWcCCF consists of mostly Christians rooted in Cantonese culture or from a Hong Kong background, however, anyone is welcome to learn more about God, connect with brothers and sisters, and share their love...

University of Waterloo Malayalee Association

Last Active Term
Who we are

The University of Waterloo Malayalee Association (UWMA) is a social and cultural club that aims to promote Malayalee cultures and traditions within the UW student body. This club will not only serve as a means to connect and create a sense of community for Malayalee students at UW, but also creates opportunity for non-Malayalee students to learn more and participate in Malayalee cultures and traditions. Through the organization of social events and cultural workshops, UWMA strives to create a...

Displaying clubs 11 - 20 of 22 in total