Active Clubs

Students For Life, UW (UWSFL)

Last Active Term
Who we are

UW Students for Life (UWSFL) is a Pro-life club whose aim is to support women in crisis pregnancies through volunteer work and tangible resources, advocate for the rights of all human beings from fertilization to natural death, form club members to speak about these topics with confidence, and educate the student population about life issues. If you are interested in getting involved, please send us an email at

TMA (Thaqalayn Muslim Association)

Last Active Term
Who we are

The Thaqalayn Muslim Association was founded in early 2012. The club was formed by a group Shia Ithna Asheri Muslim students in response to a lack of an official support network for the post-secondary Shia Muslim students in the Kitchener-Waterloo region. Although the headquarters of TMA Waterloo's activities is the University of Waterloo's main campus, the TMA aims to be accessible to all post-secondary students in the region. Thus, the TMA Waterloo’s purpose is to cater primarily, although...

Tea and Culture Club

Last Active Term
Who we are

Just a place to drink tea, eat snacks, play games and have fun! Usually, we meet every week for 3 hours. Come on out and drink as much tea as you could possibly want.

Fees are $3/session or $15/term. There will also be some special events with alternative pricing which you can find out through our Instagram or Discord listed below.

Our Instagram page:
Our Discord channel:

Teaching Students' Association

Last Active Term
Who we are

The Teaching Students' Association is an association to promote interaction amongst University of Waterloo Students interested in a career in teaching or teaching in general. The association allows students with such an interest to come together to network and socialize along with attending academic focused events to help motivate students with said interest in teaching.

Technology in Pharmacy Network

Last Active Term
Who we are

Explore the intersection of technology and pharmacy in this forward-thinking club. Members discuss and learn about: Digital health innovations, Pharmacy automation systems, E-prescribing (WebApps) and medication management software, AI and machine learning applications in pharmacy, etc....

Join us to network with like-minded professionals, share insights, and stay ahead of technological advancements shaping the future of pharmacy!

The AcaBellas - A Cappella Affiliate

Last Active Term
Who we are

the acabellas are the university of waterloo's premiere upper voice acapella group under the UW A Cappella Club (UWACC). we are out here serving the spiciest performances, with killer vocals and smooth choreography. in 2016, the bellas competed for the first time at the international championship of collegiate a cappella (ICCA) and placed 3rd in the central quarterfinals. you can check out our past performances and keep up with the bellas through our instagram @uwacabellas ;D

The Bhakti Yoga Club

Last Active Term
Who we are

Our mission is to inspire positivity and resilience to empower a healthy mindset. The Bhakti Yoga Club is for open-minded students, all ages, who like to view issues by examining “the bigger picture”. It is about introducing spirituality to students from all different faiths and ethnic backgrounds. More specifically, tangible solutions based in ancient cultures to material problems. Anyone with an interest or curiosity in spiritual discourse, yoga and meditation, self-help, or simply a desire...

The Circle K International Club of University of Waterloo”

Last Active Term
Who we are

The club will be a branch of an organization called Circle K international, which is a non-profit community service organization that offers different volunteering opportunities. Circle K International student-led collegiate service program. Volunteer placement will be decided by a general club consensus and will include a variety of different environments such as nursing homes, soup kitchens, charities, hospitals etc.

The Citizens Foundation – University of Waterloo (TCF)

Last Active Term
Who we are

The Citizens Foundation (TCF) - UWaterloo chapter aims to raise funds in order to support education related projects and emergency crises situations in Pakistan, creating a platform and community for UWaterloo students that are concerned with the state of education in Pakistan.

The Islamic Information Center of the University Waterloo (IICUW)

Last Active Term
Who we are

The Islamic Information Center of the University Waterloo (IICUW), is a registered Federation of Students club that promotes the intercultural diversity amongst society in Canada by enhancing interfaith tolerance and relationship through the improved perception of Islam. The IICUW strives to provide the local community with accurate and unbiased information regarding the principles of Islam. In order to achieve this noble aim, the IICUW facilitates the awareness of Islam by providing the...

Displaying clubs 101 - 110 of 195 in total