Inactive Clubs
Students Helping Seniors
Last Active TermStudents Helping Seniors is a club that seeks to support local seniors by conducting fundraising events and providing volunteer service to local nursing homes and retirement residences. Our club will be working with various nursing homes in the Kitchener-Waterloo region. Some club activities include doing deliveries, writing birthday/holiday cards, making PPE (personal protective equipment) and distributing it, paying in-person visits, and hosting recreational events for the residents and staff.
Students Supporting Opioid Stewardship (S.S.O.S.)
Last Active TermStudents Supporting Opioid Stewardship is a club that is dedicated to spreading awareness among the community and student population on the opioid crisis. Our mission is to de-stigmatize the public perception of those who may suffer from an opioid addiction, education the community on how to identify signs of an overdose, and improve public knowledge of attaining the overdose antidote, naloxone.
Tech+ UW
Last Active TermTech+ UW's mission is to cultivate a more inclusive and diverse tech community at UWaterloo by making resources more accessible to the community and students in need. We connect UWaterloo students with experienced and passionate individuals from different domains in tech, and foster this community through events that bring everyone together.
The Listening Party
Last Active TermThe Listening Party (TLP) is a student-run nonprofit organization that reflects upon public health issues present in modern Hip-Hop culture. Our mission is to promote mental health, anti-violence, and substance abuse awareness. This organization aims to create unity among students by using specific artists’ music as an outlet to discuss local public health issues. These conversations happen during our events, where we offer a blend of an enjoyable music listening experience, interactive...
UW Blue Ribbon Club(BRC)
Last Active TermThe Blue Ribbon Club is a collaborative effort that strives to bring Autism Awareness to the forefront of UW’s Campus and the Waterloo region.
UW Lions Club
Last Active TermThe UW Lions Club is a sub-chapter of KW Lions Club that aims to improve the lives of people in our community by collecting used eyeglass frames from students and faculty members at the University of Waterloo. The collected frames will be donated to people all over the world who may not be able to afford them. Additionally, we aim to host a variety of fundraising events to support the Guide Dog School, which raises guide dogs to be provided for the visually and physically handicapped as well...
Last Active TermCRIAW-ICREF recognizes women’s diverse experiences and perspectives; creates spaces for developing women’s knowledge; bridges regional isolation; and provides communication links between/among researchers and organizations actively working to promote social justice and equality for all women. Using intersectional frameworks, CRIAW-ICREF have developed and undertaken a variety of important, ground-breaking research that is women centred.
The goal of the UW Supporting CRIAW-ICREF club is to...
UW World Vision
Last Active TermUW World Vision is the official university chapter of World Vision Canada, committed to advocating on behalf of the most vulnerable in the world. We raise awareness for the most pressing global issues and fundraise for relief and development projects aimed to create lasting change in the lives of children, families, and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. We invite students of all interests, backgrounds, and skills to take part in the global fight for human rights and equality.
UW against Child Abuse
Last Active TermUW against Child Abuse is a club that aims to raise awareness and funds for the Child Rescue Coalition and other organizations with similar interests. This organization works to protect and rescue children from sexual abuse and child sexual abuse material.
Unicef, UW
Last Active TermUW UNICEF aims to support and bring awareness to UNICEF Canada’s initiatives around the world, as well as unite students to work together to educate, raise funds and bring forth everlasting change. UW UNICEF is part of the UNICEF on-campus initiative to help make a difference in our local community.