Inactive Clubs

Waterloo Chinese Catholic Community

Last Active Term
Who we are

Waterloo Chinese Catholic Community (WCCC) is a chinese community at the heart of spiritual and intellectual activities. We gather every week to share our Catholic faith through bible sharing, topic discussions, personal reflections, and special communal prayer sessions. WCCC also provides a place for rest and support during times of crisis and happiness. There is currently no membership fee for joining WCCC.

Waterloo Zine Club

Last Active Term
Who we are

Waterloo Zine Club (aka WAT Is Zine?) is a club dedicated to showcasing the creativity of the UW student body. We put out monthly issues that feature artwork, poetry, articles and more from UW students exclusively! If you have something you want to share with our community or want to help put our zine together join our team! We're always looking for submissions and people to help out.

White Coat

Last Active Term
Who we are

WhiteCoat consists of a group of pharmacy students passionate and dedicated on educating the public and other students on different health topics. We achieve this through health presentations and online posts providing health tips in order to engage with others!

Women in Healthcare

Last Active Term
Who we are

Women in Healthcare was founded in Spring 2020 with the goal of advancing women in different healthcare fields and advocating for gender equality. We welcome anyone interested in the medical fields including but not limited to medicine, pharmacy, optometry, and dentistry. Our club events, workshops, and mentoring programs will be focused on celebrating achievements of women in healthcare, stimulating dialogue on gender biases in our career path, and empowering female professionals to be...

Yes Theory UW

Last Active Term
Who we are

Yes Theory UW is a club who's main goal is to promote personal growth through the process of actively seeking discomfort. Everyone has a comfort zone, but the greatest moments in life, deepest connections, and most potential for personal growth exists outside of that zone, while it is purposefully challenged. This club is a place to meet people with a similar mindset in life and to create a network of support while seeking discomfort. Through fostering a sense of community, and promoting...

enTECH Computer Club

Last Active Term
Who we are

We improve the technological literacy of seniors by going to senior homes and teaching technology use, creating programs to make technology more accessible and easy to use, and creating instruction documents for others to use.


Last Active Term
Who we are

uWAFFLE is a social foodie club, where we experience new cuisine, learn about different food trends, and provide a fun social setting for people in search of food loving friends. Our mission is to make new friends, develop our palates and discover new ways of eating and enjoying food together.

Displaying clubs 91 - 97 of 97 in total