Inactive Clubs

Orthodox Christian Fellowship

Last Active Term
Who we are

OCF is charged with connecting Orthodox college students—and those interested in the Orthodox Christian faith—to Christ and His Church. OCF realizes this mission by:

- Supporting members' experience and witness to the Orthodox Christian Church through community life, prayer, service to others, and study of the Faith

- Providing a variety of thoughtful and innovative programming including College Conference and Real Break domestic and international service projects

Pre-Optometry Club, UW (UWPREOPT)

Last Active Term
Who we are

The UW Pre-Optometry Club is open to all undergraduate members of the University of Waterloo who are interested in exploring a career in Optometry. Whether you are already planning to become an Optometrist, want to explore the possibility of a career in Optometry, or simply want to find out what Optometry is all about, this club is for you! The purpose of our club is to provide students with an opportunity to learn more about the profession of Optometry and to assist students in their...

Pre-Pharmacy, UW

Last Active Term
Who we are

The UW Pre-Pharmacy Club was created for students by students to act as a resource for those who have a passion for the pharmacy profession. Throughout the years the UW Pre-Pharmacy Club has become much more than just a resource to students. We are a dynamic club that creates an environment where it’s possible to interact and meet students with the same career goals as you. Even if you are merely considering pharmacy as a possible career we provide fun and interactive events that allow you to...

Project Sunshine

Last Active Term
Who we are

Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of others? ☀️ Are you interested in working 1-on-1 with patients in a hospital? ☀️
Project Sunshine is a brand-new club with a goal to provide comfort, companionship, and enrichment to paediatric patients and their caregivers. As a Project Sunshine chapter here at the University of Waterloo, the club will be involved in direct volunteering both virtually and in hospital, fundraising, and making activity bags for children within the...

Public Health Interest Group

Last Active Term
Who we are

The Public Health Interest Group aims to inform, engage, and educate regarding various public health related topics and careers in order to aid in the exploration of the public health field. We hope to create a community of passionate individuals who have an interest in public health and its various opportunities.

Right to Play

Last Active Term
Who we are

Right To Play is an international non-profit organization that empowers vulnerable children to overcome the effects of war, poverty, and disease around the world through play.

The University of Waterloo's chapter will work to fundraise money for the organization. We fundraise by hosting events throughout the year on campus! The events we host are a fun way to raise money for the organization and a great way for UW students to get active.

Riichi Mahjong UW (RMUW)

Last Active Term
Who we are

Our club aims to provide a space for players of all skill levels to come together and play mahjong, with a specific focus on Japanese Riichi mahjong. However, we welcome players of all backgrounds to learn more about mahjong in a casual setting, through regular in-person, and online meetings. Riichi Mahjong UW does not operate on a gambling-basis, but instead prioritizes enjoying mahjong in a welcoming environment.

Beginners are welcome!

Rolling Dice & Telling Stories

Last Active Term
Who we are

A club for all things tabletop roleplaying games! (Yes, there are more than just Dungeons & Dragons and we'd love to share them with you.) We create interactive narratives where the story results hinge around fateful dice rolls. Join us to learn rules, play games, and hone improv skills to facilitate roleplay and storytelling.

SOCH Mental Health UW

Last Active Term
Who we are

SOCH Mental Health UW is a chapter of the SOCH Mental Health organization. In Hindi, Punjabi, and Urdu, the word SOCH means "to think" or "a thought". The founders of the SOCH Mental Health Organization brought this word to represent their mission as they believe to combat the stigma around mental health, we must change the way our community "thinks" about mental health. The mission of UW SOCH is to empower the community members of our university environment to recognize and accept mental...

Somali Student Association

Last Active Term
Who we are

The purpose of this club is to gather University of Waterloo Somali and non-Somali students in order to connect, share information and socialize in a relaxed and inclusive atmosphere. The club will educate both members and non-members about Somali culture, raise funds for various causes regarding the community on a local and global scale. The club is open to undergraduates and graduates that are either Somali or non-Somali from the University of Waterloo.

Displaying clubs 41 - 50 of 127 in total